A downloadable game for Windows

SURVIVE is a game where you try not to die. In the game, you will encounter three different enemies:

  1. The Red Cube: A slow enemy that deals only 1 damage and has only 5 HP.
  2. The Red Sphere: A fast enemy that also deals 1 damage and has only 5 HP.
  3. The Purple Bomb: A really slow enemy that instantly kills the player and has 75 HP.

Additionally, there are three different power-ups:

  1. Green Speed Power-up: Grants the player a short speed boost.
  2. Pink Health Power-up: Restores 1 HP to the player.
  3. Gold Time Stop Power-up: Grants the player the ability to stop time with a duration of 3 seconds and a cooldown of 7.5 seconds.

The player starts with 5 HP and has a maximum of 5 HP.

update V02
Changed a few things Like color and added a trail effect for the player 


SURVIVE v02.zip 47 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the file and run

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